Caring for a sick child
Beware of spoiling when children are sick, it’s natural to give them lots of special care and consideration.
You don’t mind preparing drinks and food for them at frequent intervals or even putting aside a drink they refuse and making another kind right away.
You are glad to get them new playthings to keep them happy and quiet.
A child easily gets used to this arrangement and may boss his parents around and expect instant service. Fortunately, most children are on their way to recovery in a few days.
As soon as the parents stop worrying, they stop putting up with the child’s unreasonable demands.
After a couple of days, things are back to normal.
With longer illnesses, the persistent high level of concern and special treatment may have a bad effect on a child’s spirits.
He’s apt to become demanding. If he’s too polite for that, he may become excitable and temperamental, like a spoiled actor.
It’s easy for him to learn to enjoy being sick and receiving sympathy. His ability to make his own way agreeably may grow weaker, like a muscle that isn’t being used.
Sick Child Casual caring
Casual caring.
It’s wise for parents to get back into normal balance with the sick child as soon as possible.
This means such little things as having a friendly, matter of fact expression rather than a worried one when entering the room; asking him how he feels today in a tone of voice that expects good news rather than bad; and perhaps asking only once a day.
When you find out by experience what he wants to drink and eat, serve it up casually.
Don’t ask timidly if he likes it or act as if he were wonderful to take some.
Keep strictly away from urging unless the doctor feels it is necessary. A sick child’s appetite is more quickly ruined by pushing and forcing.
If you buy new plaything, look especially for the kind that encourages children to take an active role and use their imagination: blocks and building sets; sewing, weaving and bead stringing kits; painting, modeling and stamp-collecting supplies.
Deal out one new plaything at a time.
There are many homemade occupations, like cutting pictures out of old magazines, making a scrapbook, sewing, building a farm, town or doll’s house of card board and masking tape.
A little extra television and videogame playing is fine; too much make your child feel listless or encourage him to stay sick longer to continue indulging his obsession.